Here is how to set column validation formula for SharePoint field to contain only numbers and only two symbols (fixed length). You have to use a “single line of text” field because the number field won’t work this way.
Here is the formula:
This works for both SharePoint 2010 and 2013 and can be set in the user interface.
If you are creating a WSP:
Here is the xml for the field called “CustomSortOrder” is a required field with the deafult value set to “00”:
<Elements xmlns=""> <Field ID="{[id]}" Name="CustomSortOrder" DisplayName="Sort Order" Type="Text" Required="TRUE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" MaxLength="2" Group="CustomField"> <Default>00</Default> <Validation Message="The value of this field must be between 01 and 99 and with 2 characters.">
</Validation> </Field> </Elements>
In my search for this solution I found some other formulars at The Chris Kent blog:
Happy SharePointing.